Swapping between a berserker style and a shieldmage style makes up the core mechanics of the build. As a result, you get to use a wide array of skills but there is not a whole lot of grinding that is needed. Most skills top out between 40 and 50, with a few exceptions reaching 60, 70 or 80. Mechanically speaking, this build uses many skills but perks them very efficiently.

Alteration adds some extra protection and also allows for the transmutation of metals. Smithing is the most prized Nordic art, and the clever warmage is drawn in by the fascinating science of metallurgy, culminating in unlocking the secrets of the enchanted ice known as stalhrim left behind by Solstheim’s wizards of old. To round out the skillset, the Nordic warmage learns the magic schools that most directly impact killing before you’re killed, Destruction and Restoration while also gaining basic training with Heavy Armor, Two-handed weapons and Block. The ability to forge bound weapons from the mind with Conjuration and unlock the secrets of the physical world through Alchemy and Enchanting are in line with the ideals that Nords aspire to, yielding many excellently crafted products and military applications.

Nords value hard work, martial prowess and fine craftsmanship, all of which can be pursued through magical means. Nordic sensibilities can mingle with magic in a much more natural way than one might expect. While it’s true that Nords generally shy away from the arcane arts in favor of a more direct and physical approach, there are some Nords who are thoughtful, intelligent and curious about the nature of reality. Overview: This concept brings up the proud tradition of Skyrim’s spellcasters that defies the contemporary stereotype of the Nords being fearful of magic. "A strong sword-arm wins battle, but a keen mind wins wars."